2010年11月23日 星期二

Walk For Tibet – Taiwan Press Release

Walk For Tibet – Taiwan Press Release

I want to personally request your support for the upcoming walk from the Taipei City Capitol of Taiwan to Kao-hsiung City. On December 10th, our walk will cover over 250 miles and 10 counties throughout the country and have many oppourtunities to share our message of world peace, human rights, and the Tibetan struggle for independence. I am asking for your support on spreading the news of this walk for our global cause. I would appreciate you linking to our website (www.ambassadorsforworldpeace.org), connecting via Facebook, forwarding our email, and sharing the word with your friends. We will post updates of our progress daily on our website, so please share so others can view the walk on a day to day basis.

Jigme Norbu-la and Tenzin Jamyang-la, former President of the Chicago Tibetan Alliance, will walk together in Taiwan. Tenzin-la is a 1995 hunger strike participator in front of the United Nations and has walked with Jigme-la in Nov 2004 from Indianapolis to Chicago and most recently May 2010 from Indianapolis to Minneapolis which was over 600 miles for Tibet.

We are wanting volunteers to help and even join on the walk. If you are interested in more information please contact us via email at walkfortibet@ambassadorsforworldpeace.org. If you are unable to volunteer but would like to make a donation to support the walk, please visit our website.

Main Organizer: Students For A Free Tibet Taiwan
Taipei Association for the Promotion of Women's Rights (TAPWR)
Regional Tibetan Youth Congress Taiwan,
Taiwan Friends Of Tibet,
Tibetan Womens Association In Taiwan,
Tawian Tibetan Welfare Association

Thank you for your support on this very important global cause!
Jigme NorbuAmbassadors For World Peace

2010年11月22日 星期一


晉美諾布(Jigme Norbu) 簡介

晉美諾布(Jigme Norbu)是達賴喇嘛尊者的大哥圖登晉美諾布(塔澤仁波切)的兒子,是達賴喇嘛尊者的姪子。


